Poetry & Flash Fiction
Oh Deer
He watches
the deer
moving slower
than dusk
in the heart
head bowed
to grass
stained glass
cathedral cells
solar green
in his sights
the clean line
fingers so gently squeezing
his pen
We are looking for resonant poetry of literary human ecology as broadly defined as works illuminating the relationship between humans and their natural, social, and built environments. The philosophy and study of human ecology has a diffuse history with advancements in geography, sociology, psychology, anthropology, zoology, epidemiology, public health, home economics, and natural ecology, among others.
Poets and authors whose poem or flash are accepted for publication will receive 10 copies of the printed broadside, a $50 prize, and be eligible for additional copies at a discounted rate.
All submissions must be received before midnight, July 31, 2018.
Manuscripts must meet the following minimum requirements:
No limitations on style, however poems must be 25 lines or less.
Original works only. Please acknowledge any previous publication of individual poems of flash, and any source of material quoted.
Artwork for broadsides etc will be discussed later.
Electronic submissions only please. Submitted via submission form to the right. Use a file name that begins with "BROADSIDE SUB: (title of your work)"
In English, to include translated works, bilingual or multilingual script.
In a simple, common font, with a preference for Times New Roman, Helvetica, Arial, Tahoma or Verdana set at either 12 or 14 pt.
A $10 reading fee must be included with each submission and received by contest deadline. Reading fees and submissions received after midnight, July 31st, 2018 will be disqualified, declined and/or returned.
WITH PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT: Manuscripts may be submitted via email to, with a subject title starting with the words "BROADSIDE SUBMISSION" and as an attached Word or MS Word filePayment of the Reading Fee may be made through PayPal (using and "Reading Fee" as a heading)
A check or money order may also be made out to Middle Creek Publishing & Audio and mailed to 9027 Cascade Avenue, Beulah CO. 81023. Please write READING FEE in the memo line/box. Check or money order must be received before manuscript will be considered and must arrive by end of contest submission deadline (although we will most likely generously grant a three day mailing grace-period at our discretion.) Any Payment, Check or Money Orders received after the contest deadline will be subject to refusal and returned.