"You will find great eco-literature in these poignant poems by Sandra Noel – with precise diction and great observation, she shows reverence for the earth and all her creatures, mourning for the same when man disrupts or destroys the delicate balance simply for greed or abuse of power. She cautions us that what is gone is gone. Will the melting of icebergs and the disappearing polar bears give us "50 words for loss / when we are finally done?"
—Koon Woon, author of The Truth in Rented Rooms,
and Water Chasing Water.
"Sandra Noel’s poems consider we and I, and the wild them. Wild nature brings solace, and today what brings solace brings grief as we witness the immensity of climate change. Recurring are images of waves, wings, and woundings: a heron flying through dancing ash, humans as “a small ripple through the great wave of forever,” “a scythe of fire at sunrise,” and “the great grinding wheel of greed.” We must attend to poets like Sandra who offer “knotted belief in the extraordinary voices rising” and move us beyond solace and through grief to action."
—Ann Spiers, Vashon Island inaugural Poet Laureate,
author of Bunker Trail
About the Author
Sandra Noel works as a free-lance illustrator, graphic designer and interpretive writer developing award-winning environmental education posters, brochures, exhibits and interpretive signs. She also contributes her artistic and design skills as a volunteer for several non-profit conservation organizations. Her poems have appeared in Pontoon, Protest Poems, Buddhist Poetry Review, Outside In Literary and Travel Magazine, Elohi Gadugi Journal and others, and three chapbooks intitled, “The Gypsy in my Kitchen,” and “Into the Green,” Finishing Line Press and “The River,” Kelsay Press.For more about Sandra and her work, visit: www.noeldesigninterp.com
Unraveling the Endless Knot
by Sandra Noel
30 pages